By top dog! - 11/10/2011 20:05 - Australia
Same thing different taste
Back 2 school
By christine brown - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By my face though - 25/01/2016 17:04 - United States - Kettle Falls
By Neckbruise101 - 15/10/2016 06:01 - United States - Los Angeles
By elite - 19/01/2012 21:59
By ouchouchouch - 28/03/2012 04:16 - Canada - Winnipeg
By Mmorgan771 - 04/08/2015 17:02 - United States - Altamonte Springs
By blanknameisblank - 09/06/2014 19:36 - United States - Fayetteville
By Jayne - 29/03/2012 04:45 - United States
By Ana - 14/08/2018 01:30
By kitty - 18/10/2010 02:54 - United States
Top comments
Proactive, buddy.
There was a kid named Pierce in my school, but he got expelled.
At my school we can wear anything lol
Hopefully it's not what's shown as profile pic bc nobody would want to see that!
Was referring to comment 42
Private schools are so gay. Any parent willing to spend money on something they can get for free are idiots. In my experience, the kids in private schools are far worse than the ones in public schools. They do more drugs, are more slutty, and are stuck up **** ups.
You guys are wrong. Private school > public school. Our school is much more advanced than a public school and has access to better tools. Our school is far superior to most/any public school in this country.
Screw you! Not all schools are the same. That's like saying all music sounds good. Some music sucks- like songs by Justin beiber. other music is awesome like jazz and rock and indie.
if a nose piercing was all you needed to get suspended from school...i would be expelled from all the piercings i have :)
Thats great who cares if ur rich
81 - how many girls do you think get a nose ring because they want one to be unique? Talk about being shallow, they do it to 'look cool.' And personally I share his sentiment. Not a fan of piercings. (except for belly button
66 - Private schools are private schools, no matter how dumb you think they are. Meaning, you're still more likely to get a better education, or at least more attention from teachers in your classes, you have some advantage when it comes to applying for colleges. It's not necessarily coming from a private school that makes you slutty or stuck up. Plenty of students in public school do drugs too. Sounds like you're just ignorant and have failed to look at both sides of the argument.
60- it was actually taken at my school ha
Sign me up for that school
What if some people think jazz, rock, and indie music sucks? Thats a stupid ******* argument...
I go to a public school and we are not aloud nose piercings
I went to private school and although your comment does not apply to me (I'm a guy btw), I completely agree! Thank god I was lucky enough to go to public (free) college (16-18 I'm in England!) best two years of my life!
You know that schools in Australia and the US/UK/Canada are very different. I have never heard of a normal public school or private school that don't wear uniforms. Pretty much every school in Australia you have to wear uniforms. Except if you're in a special school or country school. And you are allowed to wear nose piercings but it must be clear. But some schools don't care as much. But I go to a public school and you can get suspended from any piercing that is visible other then the ears and if you do not take them out it can lead to expulsion. But private schools and public schools are pretty much the same. Private schools tend to be more stricter and have better resources. But it is part of the same curriculum as public. And most of the private schools in Australia have some sort of religion associated with it. In Australia nobody really judges what school you go to, only you.
132 - well the thing is I know maybe 10 people with a nose piercing, and all of them are posers. Now I'm not saying it's like this everywhere, that's impossible (someone had to START the trend) but at this point it's just unlikely.
Wow 94... And I'm sure they'll have a problem with this if the girls started doing that too -_- the inequality these days!
105- It seems like you can't read properly since you overlooked the fact that I wrote, "based on my experience."
In Australia private schools (grammar schools) kids are actually require to wear uniforms. Neat, literally uniform uniforms. And their hair has to be up or short for girls and short only for boys.
Amongst other anal details like no noticeable piercings. Actually Australia as a whole is a lot more strict on those sorts of thing than you would think. Even public schools.
In almost every public school in Aus you have to wear a uniform (normally a polo shirt) and depending on the school they can be strict on piercings, that said I was school captain and had facial piercings, as did the vice captain. Private school uniforms are suits and ties or a tunic. Whether you're private or public doesn't really matter, I've met deadshits and intelligent, driven people from both private and public.
There was a kid named Pierce in my school too. Everyone hated him. Then he got suspended a lot. THE END
Right?!?! I have four on my face plus my tongue an three in each ear - I would've been expelled too haha
A lot of public schools in Australia don't allow facial piercings, it's ridiculous, at my school, people get detention for wearing any other colour but white socks.
Suspended for a nose peircing that doesn't have a ring in it? Strict much?
Who said there's no ring? It could be one monster pimple.
That pimple was a real stud.
47- That was a prime example of perfect timing AND placement for a pun. I tip my hat off to you.
I once got the cops called on me because a mom "thought" I was making fun of her son
Time for acne free
Time to get proactive!
A pimple and acne are two different things.
I see what you both are saying. a pimple is a form of acne but it's a single blemish. usually, acne is spread across an area and is with a group of other blemishes. so if you had one or two pimples, you wouldn't say you had acne. and if you had acne, you wouldn't say you had a pimple you know what I mean?
Your school is shit. FYL
I hope the girl on bottom in your profile pic is alright
No, 44. She broke her spinal cord and neck. She is now paralyzed for life. FHL indeed. (/sarcasm)
now you have an opprotunity to get a real nose piercing!
And that's an opportunity to get suspended -_-
Suspended for a nose ring? Yeah, you could totally take that out and stab somebody with it.
56- I hear ya mate
Schools have dumb rules because of all of the dumb kids in them. But this particular rule I don't really get.
Uniform rules are usually to 1. Make kids not worry about what they're gonna wear and who they want to impress And 2. Look conservative and represent the school 'nicely'.
Almost happened to my friend in MS. She was constantly sent to the dean or principle by the same lady for her nose ring but she was allowed to wear it for religious purposes
got to love school rules, when you're a teacher and can wear almost anything -.- my school uniform rules, no makeup, peircings,jewelary,fake tan, jeans, light coloured trousers, non black shoes and trainers, hoodies, jackets, hats, black shirts and lastly any variations in colour in the things we have to wear student have to wear official school jumper with brown trousers or same trousers with white shirt and school official tie teachers wear what they want :/
... i also go to public non-religious school
that's embarrassing... if you're gonna get suspended atleast make it for a good reason & do something you've always wanted too.
Aww, fyl for the strict school. Almost half the ppl at my school have snake bites.
it would get me suspended -.- too many people annoy me so itd be easy for me to get in trouble
that's embarrassing... if you're gonna get suspended atleast have some fun and go wild. cuss a teacher out, punch the dean, maybe even poop on the floor....and it was right on the kisser

I'm assuming you go to private school.
Suspended for a nose peircing that doesn't have a ring in it? Strict much?