By Anonymous - 27/03/2015 08:17 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I was told at my babysitting job that I can't bring my toddler with me. My employer is my best friend. Now I have to find a babysitter for my kid if I want to babysit hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 934
You deserved it 2 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your best friend can watch your child while your watching her kid.

What a horrible friend. I'd just find a new job so you can babysit both yours and their kid (: Best of luck.


chefnoel22 11

I think you need a new friend ?

Pay yourself the money that you would pay another babysitter and watch your own kid. Theoretically you should break even.

Delsanity 13

Talk to your friend to see what the reason you cant bring your kid.

some best friend I personally don't see the problem if you watch your kid and hers they could play together.

Not quite sure how her logic applies. Unless she wants to pay you enough to have someone else watch your kid while you watch hers that's a no win situation

I dont think she deserve to be called your best friend if she don't understand your problems,and if she is she will definately understand to her..

bbhorsefly 1

Obviously not much of a friend. Don't work for her.

The kids could have had a cute little play date, or something. That seems inconsiderate of your friend.

I'd honestly find a new job and find a new friend, she's pulled a total dick move. Or just tell her you can't babysit her kid because you would need to hire your own babysitter, or you will babysit her kid only if she pays for the babysitting costs she would cause you to have, she might change her mind.