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By juniorleo - 03/12/2015 20:23 - United States - Riverside

Today, I was told that the cutoff date for dropping out of one of my classes was last Friday. Which would have been fine if the school website had the right information when I checked it last Friday. They're ignoring my screenshots proving as such. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 604
You deserved it 1 524

juniorleo tells us more.

OP here. I know that screenshots aren't very good evidence, but it was basically all I had (since the website had been updated since). I'm on a quarter system so there's not enough time to go with a lot of your ideas, though I appreciate you guys trying. Oh, and I did go to my parents. Not for help, since I did everything possible before I called them about it, but they didn't believe me either. (´・ω・`) Shit just sucks sometimes.

Top comments

That's terrible OP! I hope you manage to drop your class... I know from experience, taking a class you don't enjoy is a drag and it could mean you don't do well in it...

Kuibe 18

I'm sure you will be able to work something out with the school OP. A similar thing happened to my sister and we eventually got it all sorted out just fine.


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That's terrible OP! I hope you manage to drop your class... I know from experience, taking a class you don't enjoy is a drag and it could mean you don't do well in it...

My college did a very similar thing, they said I could change subjects before the end of November, I kept asking in October and they said "we've paid for your January exams now you can't change until after the exams" so I continued asking and it turned into "you've done the exams now you can't change subject until next year and you'd have to redo the year". I ended up not going to the lessons for the two subjects I wanted to change and then just dropped out of college and got a job instead. (college as in ages 16-18 after school).

That's the state of the school systems. Completely ****** imo.

aw try going to someone higher up? I hope you don't have to pay for this class..

I'm more worried about op's poor GPA. If he is failing this class, it's really going to drop it.

Can you go higher up to complain and prove this? It's not yojr fault after all

Kuibe 18

I'm sure you will be able to work something out with the school OP. A similar thing happened to my sister and we eventually got it all sorted out just fine.

At least you took the screenshots as evidence, hopefully you'll be able to figure it somehow!

This is definitely something you can take further. Alternatively, you could always make a clone of yourself in your dorm room and then make your clone go. Problem solved.

91hayek 31

Whoever is responsible for the school website needs a foot in the ass.

MonstreBelle 29

Where's Red Forman when you need him?

Sadly, you might as well be sometimes in collage. The school automatically assumes that the parents are where the money is coming from, so tend to listen to them before the actual student.

bibliohullabaloo 2

Annoyingly, sometimes getting parents involved is the only way to fix the problem. I've recently been fighting an issue with my financial aid. I've gone down multiple times trying to get an answer and was blown off or sent in circles every time. In desperation, I called my dad. Just today he came down and went with me to the offices I needed to talk to. I still did all the talking and approached them in the exact same way I have been for weeks, but just by having him standing there was able to get answers in under half an hour. And this type of thing isn't uncommon for me. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that even though I'm a 25 year old senior, I look like a teenager and that makes me very easy to brush off.