By lostlove - 01/10/2011 02:57 - United States

Today, I was trying to find my first message on Facebook. When I was reaching the bottom, I saw a message from my old crush. It contained a paragraph confessing her love for me and asking me to write back. Don't know how I missed that one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 180
You deserved it 7 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jellyshoes11 4

That sucks, hit her up and see if she still feels the same. Best of luck to you OP!

I have more pity for that girl than for you OP. Just imagine how horrible she must have felt when you (accidentally) ignored that message...


Buggsii7 4

Go serenade her with flowers! Nd chocolate!! : )

explain how FB didn't notify you FB does it all the time I never get notifications when I get messeges! Good Luck to OP

That really sucks OP, It's a shame because you two could have had something special but you never know what could happen. I hope I can fix the special bond I have with a guy before it's too late.

Another beautiful example of social media getting in the way of real life. Fyl.

Hey guy this is the OP. the reason why i didn't get the message was because it was about 3 years old and it was before i was active on facebook and really didn't know how to work it. i probably cancelled the notification.

winter_or 0

Awwww write her back at last!

IronBrig4 3

I feel your pain because I too have had missed opportunities due to non-functioning voicemail or dropped emails. Get back to her. What's the worst that can happen?

SS_Silvy 0

Haha lol that sucks bro. Shit happens

lol has happened to me he's one of my brothers friends to I can never look or be around him anymore he even came over for Christmas dinner whatever a day or 2 it happened I stayed in my room to eat I was that humiliated lol

Poor girl, I can't imagine how she was feeling. Well at least she told you how she felt. I hope you guys can maybe talk about it or sort it :-)