By apparently_disabled - 17/04/2015 06:24 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I was trying to make a good impression with my fiancé's friends. After a few hours, I thought all was going well. As I walked to the washroom, I heard, "So what disability does she have? No one can be like that without something wrong in their brain." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 142
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Play along and punch them. Since you are retarded and can't control your actions

Well that's just rude. I hope your fiancé stood up for you.


You should've said I don't have a disability but I can give you one real quick

Don't let people bring you down OP. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with you and that you are a great person. **** them.

Steve95401 49

If they think of you this way before you even get married, it won't get any better after you tie the knot.

Geez, why the eff do people have to be rude?. you were only trying to make a good impression. I'm so sorry OP ;-;

U can't please everyone.. some ppl r just assholes, ignore them and move on

Maybe you were just seemingly too cheerful for people who are cynics or something...

You're fine sweetie your friends a little brain damage based on who is chosen to be his friends and how we allow them to talk about his fiancée

There's always these kinda people who will try to put you down! Always judging and trying to find defaults in others! Be yourself and it will be fine.

and that's where your fiance punched them in the face and told them not to mistake his fiancée for their mother, right?

Amanduhhhhh 10

I don't know why people are downvoting you. This is pretty much the only acceptable reaction.

juturnaamo 29

Are you sure it wasn't a friendly dig on your fiancé? Like 'What's wrong with her that she likes you?'