By Hilary - 23/09/2010 01:25 - Australia

Today, I was trying to relieve a dog that looked like it was choking because it was tied to a pole while its owner was in a restaurant. The owner called a security guard because she was convinced I was trying to steal her dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 174
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No good deed goes unpunished, darling. That's why I'm a criminal now.

r6_fml 4

What?! You relieved yourself on a dog?! Well that's just wrong....


if she was so worried about her dog, she shouldnt have left it outside on a pole like that

FYLDeep 25


ohsuzykuew 0

no, you use an apostrophe when stating possession. "it's" is correct. if you're gonna be a grammar Nazi you should be accurate. otherwise it makes you look dumb. doh!

FYLDeep 25
atticuz 2
Inspired22 11

So the security guards showed up, said, "What are you doing?" You said, "I am helping this poor choking dog," and they said, "Okay," and waited to make sure you put it back and you didn't get arrested. End of story. Right?

the road to hell is paved with good intentions