By Hilary - 23/09/2010 01:25 - Australia

Today, I was trying to relieve a dog that looked like it was choking because it was tied to a pole while its owner was in a restaurant. The owner called a security guard because she was convinced I was trying to steal her dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 174
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No good deed goes unpunished, darling. That's why I'm a criminal now.

r6_fml 4

What?! You relieved yourself on a dog?! Well that's just wrong....


The its/it's issue is the one gripe about Apple autocorrect that I find legit. I guess the average person uses the "it's" more frequently, so I can see why Apple built that correction into the default. However, I use the possessive and contractive forms equally often, so I don't understand why my iPhone still thinks "it's" is always correct. Unless I don't correct it as often as I think I do, it should've learned by now. -.-

ohsuzykuew 0

I still think I'm correct. if you replaced "it's" with "the dog's" you use an apostrophe to show the dog's possession of his owner. therefore u would use an apostrophe when using it in place of dog. I 'could' be wrong but that's how I remember it.

You're definitely wrong. When you're making "it" possessive, you don't put an apostrophe. It's just one of those things.

It looks like OP's day... *puts on sunglasses* ...went to the dogs. YEEEEEEEEEAAAAHH!!

TheZarola 10

YDI for touching a pet that isn't yours.

Kanvis78 0

54 , No , you're still quite wrong. With the advance of technology you don't have to rely on your memory. Search engines prevent many failures if used correctly!