By pissfaced - 02/01/2010 13:41 - New Zealand

Today, I was trying to see how far I could get away from the toilet while pissing. Instead I tripped over backwards and pissed all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 131
You deserved it 73 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heyitsbrii 0

lmao!! that is like the funniest mental picture ever haha


At first I read it as if you were a woman

gigi37 0

Not you, bitch. Don't be so self-centered. "neo" is referring to the original poster. This attention-deficient person just wants his reply to be at the top of the page. I hope he feels better about himself now. To tell you the truth, though, boobs. I know, right? Boobs. It fixes everything.

Once again she is a woman, not a bitch. Bitch.

I can only echo the wise words expressed to us posters when we are about to comment. "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful."

gigi37 0

Yes, I knew neonukku was just posting to be at the top of the page, but instead of being the asshole and calling him/her an "attention-deficient", I figured I would call him/her out with a different technique. So sorry that made me self-centered, what on earth was I thinking...(sarcasm in case you couldn't tell) It pains me to see men at your age still acting like moronic teenagers, but if you get your kicks by insulting girls, then fine, whatever.

Arc9 0

Mister popo is a shining example of the "Greater Internet Dickwad Theory" ([Internet+Anonimity]-Age) x People in audience = Dickwad level. Our dear colleague popo appears to be around the OMFGWHATSTHISDOUCHEBAGSFUCKINGPROBLEMFUCKHIMHESHOULDBEBANZORZ level of dickwadery. And gigi, Why would the fairer sexe be involved in these pathetic male frustration vents known as FMLs?

hahaha yeah this person has waaaaaaay too much free time hahaha but it made me laughh!!

dangletsbang21 0

I would like to say that YOU'RE an idiot as well.


UziTopete 0

hey it's a common mistake cause by excessive boredome you get when you piss the same way everyday.. Bullox? I think not!

Obviously people know the difference between "your" and "you're" including me but nobody cares on the internet IDIOT! Just to make your grammar/spelling nazi ass happy, I'll say it right for you. YOU'RE the idiot for actually caring what form of "your" and "you're the person used typing on a website

Seriously . . . stand MUCH closer, it's far shorter than you think

well thats when u grab it (gently of course) and use the ascending or descending meter bar, aim, and continue firing.

#64- Roflmfao! your post was the best!!! XD

I seriously hope this was at your house

heyitsbrii 0

lmao!! that is like the funniest mental picture ever haha

Would you really piss your self if are falling you would hold it in I am sure. Calling fake on this one.

...... if you didnt know you were going to fall back why would you clench your penis?

d3ath1snatural 0

So I'm guessing you're a Kiwi too.... I hope not everyone thinks that we're all like that XD

WougieBougie 0