By Anonymous - 30/11/2015 23:54 - Belgium - Gent

Today, I was verbally and physically attacked in a public pool, because I was swimming in what a grandma claimed was her part of the pool. Since I'm a very tolerant person, I calmly tried to talk some reason into the elderly lady. The lifeguard had to come to protect me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 819
You deserved it 1 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just another weird situations that lifeguards have to deal with!


Oh my god that happened to me once too! This woman would never let anyone swim in "her" walking lane. It was crowded, I'm a grown ass woman, so I got in her lane. She HILARIOUSLY comes running in the water towards me yelling at me, telling me I'm not allowed in her lane then tries to block me when I start swimming. Apparently the physics of water were confusing to her. Every time I swam past her she tried to kick me so finally I called over the lifeguard who explains she doesn't have her own lane and if she doesn't stop, she'll have to leave. SMH. Takes all kinds.

Old people can be very self absorbed. I hope she's been banned.

People who claim to be tolerant usually come off as really condescending, so that's probably why your "talking some reason" didn't go down well.