By Anonymous - 07/04/2013 04:07 - United States - Carrollton

Today, I was very worried about my girlfriend of two years. She has recently moved into her apartment, and I hadn't heard from her for four days. Don't worry, though, she's fine. According to her mother's Facebook, she moved in with her old boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 246
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch, u should tell the boyfriend she left u with an std or something

Coeliacchic93 21

That's horrible! You'd think a two year relationship would actually mean something to someone. How could she not show any respect to you like that. OP your better off without her but sorry she was so heartless.


Lol it is women like this that ruin it for the rest of you!!

McNikk 15

Sounds like she didn't have much respect for you at all. It's probably better that you two break up. Good luck finding someone else.

Do one of two things...either just go hand them their camera and make them stop or just walk off with it, that would get their attention.

I know that feel Bro. Mine did the same thing.

jem970 19

You are better off without her OP. If she was able to do that and didn't even have the guts to tell you that she was moving in with her ex then she can go to hell and you can wave to her as she goes. It is disgusting how little relationships mean to some people anymore.

gameover18 17

Now that is some cold heart she witch dick move. I am sorry for you man.

\ 28

Should've asked to join in.

Ahh, the trial and error of relationships. I used to be nearly as scummy as this guy's girlfriend, then I matured and realized that people aren't toys. Maybe she'll come to her senses and realize she hurt you, but never expect an apology unless she plans on manipulating you back into a relationship.