By Anonymous - 07/04/2013 04:07 - United States - Carrollton

Today, I was very worried about my girlfriend of two years. She has recently moved into her apartment, and I hadn't heard from her for four days. Don't worry, though, she's fine. According to her mother's Facebook, she moved in with her old boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 246
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch, u should tell the boyfriend she left u with an std or something

Coeliacchic93 21

That's horrible! You'd think a two year relationship would actually mean something to someone. How could she not show any respect to you like that. OP your better off without her but sorry she was so heartless.


Mr25_fml 14

I have a hunch that your next move needs to involve revenge

How does your gf of 2 years move and you haven't even seen the place or help her move? Sounds like you're pretty clueless.

Her mouth is probably to full to talk... Sorry to be mean, but it's probably a hint...

Bunny21 11

Soon enough she'll be kicked to the curb from that apartment like she deserves got being the heartless **** she is. Sorry that happened to you though. Keep your head up OP.

eberle805 7

Aaaaah, why didn`t she tell you? I can`t believe she didn`t say anything, that`s like cheating and hurtful as fudge balls!

Hire an actor to show up at her door in a maid outfit with a turkey baster and some lube in hand and say to her boyfriend, "I'm here for the orgy." Also make sure to have the actor use a hidden camera so you can see the response.

lukemacfarlane22 6