By emily - 15/07/2011 22:21 - United States

Today, I was video chatting with my boyfriend of two years. He asked me to turn off my webcam. I asked why, and he said to just trust him. Turns out it was because he didn't want to see my face as he broke up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 836
You deserved it 3 255

Same thing different taste


ilovepotatoes419 14

the same exact thing happened to me

ellefaithless 9

Idiot >.< No one deserves that.

I've been there, he's now a depressive, suicidal anti-social. He did it to others too. you'll find someone a million times better :)

DisturbedFacade 0

At least u were told I was informed via my friend who said I feel bad about u and ur gf breaking up... She hadnt told me yet

tyty22796 0

Wow, that's low. "Just trust him", huh? Dirty dealings.