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By Anonymous - 01/03/2013 12:02 - United States - Belmont

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because he didn't trust himself not to cheat on me. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 767
You deserved it 4 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.


Well I guess that's better than him cheating on you. I mean, he's not the kind of scum that sees some hot piece of meat and jus thinks, "hey I wanna screw that chick, to hell with my girlfriend." Although the way he's worried about cheating, he should probably get help for sex addiction or something.

#1, food for thought. Did he want to bang a chick, or is he bi... Or gay? Never assume lol

skulltorn 8

Sex addiction? That's a stretch to say he's a possible sex addict. Maybe he is just an asshole that made a stupid excuse to break up with OP

Exactly, I'm sure OP would be complaining more if he did cheat on her. It hurts more getting cheated on, than dumped. (Well, that's my personal opinion anyway, I do realise that hers may be different.) So at least he had the decency to break up with her, than hurt her even more, by cheating. :) Hope you don't take it too hard though, OP, there's plenty more fish in the sea! :)

Howso sex addiction? Mabye they are really young and he wants to have lots of sex before settling down, or he is just not a one-girl-kinda-guy. It's not nececairy sex addiction.

I'm pretty sure it just means he doesn't see himself in a relationship and staying faithful. And that's okay. If you're not mature enough for a relationship, you shouldn't be in one. He's at least mature enough to admit it and deal with it accordingly instead of treating someone like they aren't important.

Okay I don't know if this is a stretch, but he could have already cheated on OP and said it this way to not make him look like the culprit

Devilpuppy0861 7

Every teenage guy is at least a bit of a sex addict (this was almost certainly a teenage excuse) pleo, most are just to scared that they can't get laid if they don't have a girlfriend. Apparently OPs BF has no such fear however.

47- I think you're on to something there... When I read it, I thought it was a lame excuse to get out of the relationship without making him seem like a complete asshole. He made it come off as he was doing something to nice and save her a potential future heartbreak down the road. Therefor, he looks like the good guy in the end, but in reality he's just an asshole that came up with a bullshit story to get out of a monogamous relationship and bang hoes with a clear conscience. I think OP will be better off in the long run!

Or, maybe there is a girl already in mind that he WANTS to bang, but can't because he's with OP. So, basically he's saying "I'm breaking up with you so I can go bang this hot girl and not be a cheating dick for doing so". Guy talk decoded! Yes!

Lol, I've used that excuse on couple occasions,. I think that's his way of telling you nicely that he wants to break up with you,. Hahahah,. I'm laughing cuz thinking back now &i think that that's a lame ass excuse

Just because the guy doesn't feel ready to have a committed relationship doesn't mean he's some kind of addict... Sounds like this guy was mature and honest enough to admit, upfront, that he wasn't ready to have a committed relationship. I commend this guy, anyone willing to make the right decision before making stupid ones (or wasting someone's time), has my respect.

He can trust you, though. He should break up with his cheating self instead.

wlddog 14

I tried to breakup with myself once. It was a confusing time, full of mis-adventure and self discovery. It involved an unlikely hero that no one expected, and an evil stepmother. The plot rolled between an adventure and a comedy, and all sorts of colorful characters were also discovered. By the end there was 1 spontaneous singalong, and a beautiful woman fell in love with me. Well,,, maybe not a beautiful woman, but it was close enough. I really should write it down someday.

29- Thanks for making my morning :) That was pretty awesome!

wlddog 14

Any effort I can make to improve your day, is an effort worth taking. Have an awesome day and fill free to read any of my other work.

29- This story... I am intrigued. You should lend some pointers to Miss One-Chapter-Rejection.

I meant break up with the cheating side of himself haha. (My phrasing awkward, sometimes it is.) If he thinks he would cheat on her, then he's probably not sure she's the one he wants to be with. If she is, then there's no reason to cheat. (Not that there's ever a reason to cheat) #29, I'd be interested in reading that adventure :)

wlddog 14

Edited my profile link. Enjoy

Better now than when he inevitably cheats on you

xblair 11

I think there are also possibilities that he already cheated

I don't think it's that he already did, but that he WANTS to! I'm thinking that there is a girl that he wants to bang...BADLY. Him breaking up with OP will give him the okay to pursue her and not have to feel guilty about it later. You have I read between the lines!

You know what? You are better off. You want a partner who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. If he's not the guy, then mourn the loss of the relationship, and then be open to someone who WILL love and respect you as much as you will love and respect them.

4 for you glen coco. You go glen coco!

How would breaking up with her make things any better?

smiley1014 23

You will find better. Just be glad it's over.

I think this is very responsible. If he knows he's not mature enough for a real relationship, it's better to end things quickly, and with less heartache.

And a most sensible reason for breaking up too.

To be fair, maybe he's more suited to polyamory, and polyamory is just as valid as monogamy - if both partners agree to it of course.

@7 I actually have a lot respect for this guy, unlike a lot slime balls out there, he actually cares and respects OP enough not to cheat on her and play with her feelings. It might hurt a little for OP now but if he cheated on her, it would have hurt a lot more and seriously damaged their relationship. This way though, they can split amiably and stay friends.

Why he's saying is, he can't not know whether or not he isn't irresponsible or not, so his only choice is to not distrust his mental infidelity, and must therefore cut off your relationship until he can know that he won't not be a non-cheating bastard. It makes sense if you don't think about it.

vadaaa 11

My guess is that he recognized he was looking elsewhere, and maybe had one or more specific other temptations or offers. Either way, he was good enough to get out before doing something that would hurt OP more. OP, if so, this isn't about you or even about him. Count yourself lucky that he had enough respect for you to break up instead of cheating on you or finding himself increasingly regretting your relationship and wanting to be elsewhere, and find someone who wants to be with YOU.

At least he broke up with you before anything happened. Most people don't do that. I'd be glad if I were you op.