By mom - 06/12/2012 19:23 - Netherlands - Utrecht

Today, I was visiting my daughter, whose husband was still asleep at noon. I made a point of stomping around on the hardwood floor and speaking loudly to wake his lazy ass up. Turns out he's now working a 14-hour graveyard shift, and it has no negative effect on his shoe-throwing skills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 772
You deserved it 85 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

godhelpusall111 12

What the hell did you do that for?


myeviltwin 20

Also your daughter should have told you. But it is still your fault for being judgemental and rude. How about he comes to your house at midnight and does the same thing?

nancyschmancy 9

Congratulations! You got your FML published! Too bad it was because you were being a total ******* douche bag! WTG!!

and you still referred to him as a lazy ass...

I wouldn't stop at throwing a shoe... Even if he didn't work night shift it's not your right or place to question him in his house. It would've been ok to ask your daughter something like "long night for your husband?" and nothing more! Cuz it's non of your ******* business.

Rosie_Posie43 12

Some of the worst parents turn into great in laws. It's the thought of a grandchild that makes them kiss ass.

thats very rude and inconsiderate of you to act like a bitch when you have no idea why he is sleeping. i work those hours and if my mother in law did that to me id throw a shoe too

bigtaytay 13

This is why mother-in-laws have the reputation of being bitches

Let sleeping dogs lie, woman hitler. YDI (Fun fact: woman hitler is an anagram of mother in law)

I can't help but hope that it was a steel-toe boot....

StephenStills 6

You deserved it. Bitches always deserve it.