By Phycheledic - 12/05/2016 10:22 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at the daycare in my area. When this one kid was leaving, he asked his mom, "Why is she so ugly?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 514
You deserved it 1 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've turned around and stared into that child's eyes, warning him to run

LegitTorture 18

Wait till he reaches his awkward adolescent phase


I hate it when little kids say things like that :( That had to hurt

Little kids say that darnedest things! Don't worry about it too much.

It's how you see yourself that matters most OP

that's why you don't interact with kids, they will insult you and feel nothing

Because they don't know any better, they haven't learned to be a nice person

Time to tell him the story of Hantzel and Gretel while offering some cookies and candy

That is such a rude and awful thing for that kid to say. All I can reply to that is, why is that kid so stupid and rude

We all meet an end some day, brats included. Take comfort in that, use your imagination, brush it off and go a out your day. At least one person thinks you're beautiful. A truly ugly person would be thought of as ugly by every single person.

children have no filter, and believe they are the center of the world.. why not try a different approach to what he said op, even if you are ugly in that specific kid's subjective opinion of the world that surrounds him, you are perfect for someone, just the way you are.