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By Anonymous - 15/11/2010 20:32 - United States

Today, at work, a little boy shyly told his mom he thought I was cute. I smiled at him as she looked me up and down and said to him, "Eww, honey. No, you do not!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 847
You deserved it 3 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to the mother. Anyone that would loudly proclaim something that rude isn't worth your time. Just remember the little boy's sweet compliment!

That's because she's a girl OP. Don't get all butt hurt because a woman didn't find you cute. There's more fish in the sea. LOL JK Theres an oil spill.


snagglepaste 0

Sounds like you need some ice for that burn

Maybe she's ultra conservative and didn't like how you were dressed

phreshboi 1

or it you just don't say that

Op, you probably remind him of his Teddy bear, big, round, and hairy! I'm sure you can find someone who likes that(:

kids don't know anything, they think Justin bieber is cool ffs. listen to the mum.

pinkpillowz 0

Mods: **** YOU and your censorship of comments! Take this down. NOW, BITCHES!

she's probaly speaking the truth somebody here had had to see one of the ladys that look like gladiators huge ,round and look like they can eat you

Don't listen to the mother. Anyone that would loudly proclaim something that rude isn't worth your time. Just remember the little boy's sweet compliment!

this^ Who needs the mom when you have.... a err....toy tot?

5, that's what I'm thinking. Kids aren't afraid to say something true, so his "opinion" is more fact, anyway.


gj #5 u saved me the trouble of typing that out

FML858 0

agreeed thank yu #5 for not making me type that (;

zp5 4

what a jerk. shes probably ugly anyways.

smiley_ily 0

aww (: it's okay, it's the youngsters opinion that counts ;) hope you still like who you are !

The funny thing is that had the rude comment came from the child I'm sure she would be told to disregard it because "kids say the darnedest things".

#15 It's true, but there's a huge difference between a kid saying something rude and an adult saying something rude. Kids generally don't know better than to blurt out whatever comes to mind, whether adults are most certainly mature enough to know that insulting someone to their face is very rude.

okay sorry! that sucks, i don't get why parents are so controlling. let your kid think what he wants gosh!

zp5 4

i don't think this is possible lol ...or is it...?

FFML_314 11

OF course it's possible! You just shave off the old one and....oh hell OP just wear a bag.

zp5 4

whoa whoa shave it off? that would hurt a lot more then just cutting it off!

Mr_Saddle 3

You mean take his face off?......Like in face-off?

Junkie_Razor 20

Several inconsistencies in that film.

I don't know how ******* stupid you are, but how about you shut the **** up and get off this app.