By Anonymous - 08/11/2009 13:53 - United States

Today, I was walking through the store when I saw a little boy point to me and say something to his mom. I was out of earshot at the time, but I got close enough just in time to hear the mom reply, "God says we have to love everyone, even if they're ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 546
You deserved it 2 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotpockets92 0

should have put him in a shopping cart and let it go flying down an isle, to teach that little bastard who's who. so what, when little kids say that its just because they are too use to seeing all those "pretty" people on tv with 8 layers of make up on.

It's a little kid...little kids say people are ugly really often. Don't give a flying mayonnaise-covered shit and move on.


tangerine_12 0

That little kid needs to realize that everyone may not be pretty. Bitch.

lol yeah, i bet the kid was an ugly **** himself

u dont need to reply to my comment to be on top

hotpockets92 0

u don't need to act like every other lame douche and only put first just because your the first one to comment, seriously its not even funny, nvr was, nvr will be

You don't have to spend money on a holloween costume now!!!

It's a little kid...little kids say people are ugly really often. Don't give a flying mayonnaise-covered shit and move on.

LOL, why does it have to be mayonnaise-covered?

There was spaghetti?!?! Why do I always miss the spaghetti! Im with number 2, but also beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I mean if everyone thought 1 woman was more beautiful than all the rest, we'd be in trouble.. Well, I guess you can't count Megan fox, or Halle Berry, or Olivia Munn, or Eva Mendez, or Linsay Lohan....crap I forgot what my point was. Oh right! Next time there is spaghetti let me know lol.

This just seems so obviously fake. In the time you transversed the space between out of earshot to within earshot, you would have been too late to hear the mother's short reply to her son.

hotpockets92 0

should have put him in a shopping cart and let it go flying down an isle, to teach that little bastard who's who. so what, when little kids say that its just because they are too use to seeing all those "pretty" people on tv with 8 layers of make up on.

Wow that mom is a biotch! what kind of mom calls people ugly?? im guessing u are probably VERY pretty but seriously how old is the mom 4???

ddawgg5523 0

wats a biotch number 8? Al asud

956TXking 0

grab the mom by the hair and swing her around a couple times that will teach the bitch.

Sun_Kissed18 25

At least you know you're loved :)

The kid's jealous cause he doesn't have a ******. If this kid is a girl, she's a bitch.