By brhorton02 - 06/04/2009 14:42 - United States

Today, I was waitering at the restaurant that I work at when I collected a credit card bill that was worth $120 and a big zero on the tip line. Angered, I turned to a co-worker and said "I knew this asshole wasn't going to tip me." The guy was standing right behind me with $30 in his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 484
You deserved it 166 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was stupid. Plenty of people pay tips with cash instead, myself included.

I hope he threw the money in your face. Ha, no I don't. I hope he gave the money to your co-worker.


See what happens when your a self centered bitch?

When a person busts their ass for a table whether they are large or small-they deserve a tip. I know what it is like to work my ass off for a demanding/rude table and not see a penny. I understand that he shouldn't have said anything at least until the customer left, but I also understand why he was upset. Servers live off of their tips. If I make more than you do, it is because I deserve it, because I work my ass off for my tips. If you can't afford to tip the server at least 10% of the bill, you probably shouldn't be going out to eat. OP-wrong place and time, but I shouldn't talk. I've bitched about tables that have stiffed me. I completely understand...just make sure the guy isn't right behind you!! #113-I realize that waitering is not a word, but I still call myself a waitress, more often then I call myself a server. It was poor word choice, but it doesn't mean that the OP isn't a server.

if i could click 'you deserve it' multiple times i would. non-stop, for about an hour.

Boob_fml 6

Haha I guess you don't have much room to call other people assholes.

If you think you're entitled to a tip, then you're a spoiled brat. Earn your tip by working hard and being pleasant, that's what the tip is for, if you can't manage that then you don't deserve the extra money. End of story.

While it's reasonable to have gotten angry about that at first glance, you really ought to watch what you say when you're still on the floor. Should've waited until you were in the kitchen or something. YDI to the max.

The problem isn't really the servers fault about tips being apart of their income. The hospitality business lobbied hard with the government to show that the tips were income so thus they used this to get their wages subsidized by tips. I think also around that time most people would tip for the service anyways. Since that was happening it became "law" that tips and wage would have to meet minimum wage. Sorry if you don't like it but that's how the cookie crumbled. If you don't like it don't dine out or lobby government to get the hospitality business to pay minimum wage. BUT, if you do succeed realize that the cost will still come out of your (patrons) pocket. The piece of teh food would go up to compensate for the increased wage to the server. Plus you may actually get worst service overall because by that time the person serving is guaranteed minimum wage regardless of the service they provide. Why would people give 110% if they would make a flat hourly where with tipping their is incentive for them to be more hospitable and friendly. Just saying look at both sides. I could care less if you tip but if you don't and feel that strongly about it just realize you'll stick be footing the bill for the establishment.

*price of the food would go up to compensate for the increased wage to the server -sorry time expired and I felt people needed to understand my retarded sentence

Vren 0

I just know that I have been in groups before where other people in the groups act like total jerks to the servers, send their stuff back for the least little thing (i.e., the burger was "mushy", but he had to cut it with a knife...), and try to sub all kinds of things that they just couldn't sub (it was a chain restaurant, come on, people!). It was so embarrassing to be with them, and then they would tip nothing or almost nothing after they ran the servers ragged and crazy. I always made a point to over tip on those occasions, and finally I just stopped going anywhere with that group. They would complain about service, but really they were the problems.

A couple of points: 1. While everyone in USA knows that tipping is expected, many visitors to USA don't. Even when you've been told, it takes a while to get into the habit. I've been served drinks with all sorts of bodily fluid scum on them because I didn't realise I was supposed to tip the drinks waitress for every single drink, for example. 2. Just because you think you deserve something - it's best not to say it out loud and instinctively start insulting people. There are lots of reasons for people doing or not doing something. I clicked YDI - not because you shouldn't expect a tip - in USA you probably should. I clicked YDI because you jumped to conclusions and just let your mouth take over. How can you expect others to respect your expectations of a tip if you can't respect their right not to be insulted? In all forms of life, treating a two-way street as if it were a one-way street often leads to undesired results...