By Josie - 05/06/2012 04:27 - United States - Florence
Same thing different taste
Like tears in rain
By anabanannailoveu - 17/07/2021 07:59
By chinchilla4404 - 02/08/2011 14:17 - United States
By sheWontbeOnMyZombieApocteam - 12/07/2015 19:56 - United States - Killeen
By ohjoy - 18/11/2009 07:42 - United States
By IronFoot - 14/08/2011 02:41 - Canada
By nitroman64 - 30/07/2010 23:40 - United States
By iJuli - 08/04/2012 05:17 - United States - Billings
By Anonymous - 23/01/2010 23:18 - United States
By ... - 02/10/2012 20:55 - Canada - Airdrie
By Elizabeh - 08/11/2009 22:38 - Canada
Top comments
Any other day that would have never happened
stop trying to show off lol
And they said guys were dumb.
You dumbass lol. He was trying to spend more time with you by taking the long way around. He wasn't trying to make you prove you could jump a fence. -_- SMH
Really? Everyone getting on the whole "sexist" bandwagon here? I bet you don't go against him when he offers to pull your chair out, or pay the bill at a restaurant...girl and guys are equal but different. There are certain things only a girl does (breast feeding) and certain things only a guy does. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll stop constantly trying to prove yourself
Maybe you should stop assuming, 101. I, as well as many other girls I know, won't let my date pay for my food. And OP isn't trying to prove anything crazy. Yeah, there are some things that only guys do and other things that only girls can do. But jumping fences isn't one of them... That's something both genders can do, so being a girl, it is frustrating being told no.
IOk well I take both your points on board. I'm not saying girls "can't" jump fences, I'm saying that girls shouldn't feel the need to try and prove they can do everything guys do. Many times girls have said to me that i should be able to fix a car or a leaky roof because "what kind of man doesn't"...doesn't bother me, I'd rather pay someone to do it, male or female I don't care... Btw about the date thing, i guess you girls are different, I've never yet been on a date where the girl has paid the bill, nor have any of my friends (male and female)...
Take the regular way next time...
the man is always right. always.
well, you technically jumped the fence, bravo!
Your boyfriend might've just wanted to spend more time with you by taking the long way! I would've done what he suggested, because it would've been more fun, and you wouldn't have broken your leg haha :P