By buttpicker - 19/04/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, I was walking my dog and he stopped to take a crap. While he was doing his business, I saw something white coming out of his butt that just wouldn't budge. He started whimpering and I stepped in to help him. I pulled out an entire plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 543
You deserved it 33

Top comments

Arteaga 0

well there you go, apparently he was helping you out you a bag to pick up the crap.


MucMucVi 0

I didn't know dogs could make epic faces

ahhaha the illustration is hilarious!!!

okay, as horrible as this is for the dog, this illustration is amazing. xDDDD i love it. :D

another animals-talking illustration. After the Caturday, this one is the best. ---- Poor animal.

orph_the_d 5

illustration is full of win > ^.^

Awesome xD ...Well, not for the dog. Or you. But the illustration is wicked xD

sonofanil 0

Great Illustration! But it must have sucked getting that bag out =/

This illustration was the first one on this website that actually made me laugh. A+

I think the illustration is kinda disturbing. :/ But it is well-drawn and everything, so good job.