By mraow123 - 30/05/2009 05:04 - United States

Today, I was walking my dog but every time he looked like he was about to "go", he became uninterested with the spot and kept walking. I, following behind, tripped over a bump in the sidewalk and face planted. My dog then finally urinated, all over my aching body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 387
You deserved it 4 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure a dog will notice if his owner faceplants into the sidewalk right next to him. Or then you have blind and deaf dog. Every dog that I've ever had would get scared right away, or at least wouldn't pee on you. Then again, you might be one of those dog owners that gets dominated by their little cute dogs.


V1NNY35 0

That's what happens when bitches be trippin!

Your dog is just making sure you know your place in the pack!

Sounds a little... Y'know "elaborate"

That's dog language for you're my bitch now

amberdea404 28

Not quite mans best friend anymore.

I'm having a hard time imagining a dog doing this to their owner.