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By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 04:12 - Canada - Kingston

Today, as I was walking home, I saw an ambulance pull into my driveway with its sirens blaring. Thinking it could be for my sick father, I started frantically sprinting. I managed to trip on my pant-leg, twisting my ankle in the process. They were just turning around in my driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 984
You deserved it 4 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry op, that must have been alarming. I care for an ill family member, seeing an ambulance at my house would terrify me. I hope they at least took a look at your leg. :)

Good on you for caring about your father. You're a good son /daughter.


I'm sorry op, that must have been alarming. I care for an ill family member, seeing an ambulance at my house would terrify me. I hope they at least took a look at your leg. :)

And at least it wasn't for your father !

showgirl10 3

If the sirens were blaring, they probably didn't have time to look at her leg.

They drove away before they could look at it :(

Good on you for caring about your father. You're a good son /daughter.

rg350dx 29

How did you know OP was a hermaphrodite?

Cause hermaphrodites don't get one of those gender icons.

perdix 29

#25, plus hermaphrodites are the most caring children because they can be "Mama's Boy" and "Daddy's Little Girl" all at the same time.

Yes I agree, massive props on caring for him. He needs you. Glad he's okay.

DollyDope 17

Seems like a wah-mbulance is what you really need. This is hardly an FML :P

Your comment is in need of serious medical attention, it's dying on the floor. It was pretty heartless, which would be ok if it was at least balanced with some good humour. It wasn't.

TayonaC 10

well even though you may have twisted your ankle, one good thing came out of if; you know your father isn't in trouble.

I know it's mean but you deserve it for not being optimistic.. I hope you get better

Just what the hell is so optimistic about seeing the ambulance pull up to your house at the same time a relative happens to be sick? What could it mean other than the ambulance is for him?

Next time, maybe you won't wear baggy pants

yeah like OP should've known that something like that was gonna happen (sarcasm)

Maybe he didnt state it clear enough, maybe OP should invest in clothing his size. I do sympathize on the jumping to conclusion thing. Sucks to worry like that

hooligyn123 18

Read my reply to #16. no sense in repeating myself.

dreamsneverfall 8

Where at all did OP say they were wearing baggy pants? I trip on my pant legs a lot simply because I'm too short for any pants to fit my legs. OP could have been wearing normal jeans for all we know.

At least it would have been convenient had you broken your leg.

DollyDope 17

Best to just look and the seriously bright side of the situation and be happy they weren't called for your father :)

iipinkette 16

I'm sorry about your father, atleast he's okay. But on the bright side, you didn't have to go very far for medical help!(:

Wow that sucks dude, i hope your dads ok.