By Noname - 17/03/2009 10:16 - United States

Today, I was walking through Macy's with my girlfriend. I stopped to admire a mannequin's ass, joking with my girlfriend like I was touching it. Then I slapped it. It wasn't a mannequin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 652
You deserved it 211 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHAHAHAH , smooth . did she slap you back ?

How do you not realize that someone is alive LOL Ditto #1


popsiclesticks 0

i did something very similar to that once! i was like wow that (the "mannequin") looks so incredibly real! it was in the window of a store, where mannequins typically are. i even felt the need to stare at it for a bit. later on in another store there was my mannequin.. walking around. pretty damn embarassing

thebigO_fml 0

haha i actually did that once!

that actually happened to my friend once. she's really tall, haha.

how can you not tell a real person from a mannequin?

once at macys i was sitting in a chair outside the waiting room for my sister and a woman looking around freaked out when i moved from my spot she thought i was a mannequin

Tucatz 0

My sister once did that in Sibley's in Rochester. There were some kids who were doing the living mannequin thing, and my niece asked her if they were people or mannequins. My sister said "Of course they're mannequins" and to prove it goosed one of the female ones- who jumped and screamed in surprise. One of my favorite stories that my niece tells. By the way, what's with all the YouTube style idiotic commentary in here? Are you really unable to spell out "you are" and have to resort to txtspeek? For realsies, people!

if my boyfriend did that he'd get slapped by me, and if he didnt get slapped by the otehr woman, they'd BOTH get one from me

how the **** does someone not know the difference between a mannequin and a person?

completely and utterly fake. Not even a good job at it.