By Noname - 17/03/2009 10:16 - United States

Today, I was walking through Macy's with my girlfriend. I stopped to admire a mannequin's ass, joking with my girlfriend like I was touching it. Then I slapped it. It wasn't a mannequin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 652
You deserved it 211 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHAHAHAH , smooth . did she slap you back ?

How do you not realize that someone is alive LOL Ditto #1


member0987654321 0

you're an idiot and why would you joke like that anyway? especially in front of your girlfriend, completely immature i would just feel really awkward if my boyfriend was slapping a mannequin's ass

You people need to chill the **** out for goodness sake.

If you cant tell the difference between a real woman and a plastic one... your girlfriend needs to dump your ass

oh_emetephobia 0

That "mannequin" was my sister.

effevery1slife 0

was she standing on a platform?

You have the common sense of a chicken's urine and the brains of a dingbat :)

inlimbo11 0

i call bullshit. this is fake as ****. who mistakes a person for a mannequin? unless you're blind. though then, you'd still have to have someone tell you it's a mannequin. FAKE. or maybe you really are just that ******* stupid. in which case you should kill yourself. or at least have the decency to get a vasectomy. no one wants your genes in the pool, buddy.

bsellnow 0

This is fake. No one is stupid enough to confuse a real person with a mannequin.