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By Anonymous - 30/05/2011 08:28 - Australia

Today, I was walking through town when a rough looking woman asked me for a cigarette. I don't smoke but I offered her some apples, and she took two. As I continued on past her, she pegged both of them at me, hitting the back of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 239
You deserved it 11 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rosha267 21

How are apples an alternative to cigarettes?

Egnar 19

"Hey I don't smoke, but here have some apples?" - More than likely the thought of something like that, no matter how sincere you were, probably sounded condescending to her. . As if you were better than her and pitied her for smoking. Really should have just said no, sorry I don't smoke.


In Armadale or Gosnells by any chance OP?

haha nice! but it could have been coolbellup too! lol

I Like how this became an Aussie meeting

ADub55 0

I dont Like how this became an Aussie meeting

JacksonCampbell 9

I would have thrown the apples at you too! Apples ain't cigs! To continue the earlier theme, Balga?

Link5794 18

133 Cigarettes are poison. They contain hydrogen cyanide, which is used for lethal injections.

tjv3 10

throw them back at her face

Thank you Link for the information, I'm sure that that will aid in my attempts to quit. I had no idea that cigarettes were full of chemicals, all my packets are from the seventies and don't have the warnings on them. Appreciated.

I have family who live Perth love to visit some the people down under are good people. 

who the **** carries apples around with them

Most likely in Armadale, that's where all the hobo ***** live.

muchagente 5

cigarettes hurt way less when thrown. next time give her some.

mattmadden 0

OP meant the lady threw the APPLES at her.

That's why 2 said give her cigarettes, because they don't hurt as much when thrown...

We should probably be more concerned whether or not she rubbed mouth herpes on those apples....

umm what? tht comment made no sense to me at all #51

I think it's funny, 48, that your next comment became 51 after your typo...

lmao yeah im iPhone n i well the keyboard is pretty small xD i admit i failed

kill her and eat her first born child.

iAmScrubs 19

Eating a well balanced diet doesn't always help your health I guess.

randomchickkk 0

looks like an apple day won't keep the doctor away

katemasen 0

actually you were correct the first time with *an haha

Mahomie123 0

right ^ haha if the word after starts with a vowel then it is "an"!!!! (:

LexxyLiime 0

um yeah we know? ^ Its "an apple" not "a apple"

shhhitsasecret 0

unless you start throwin the apples at your doctor. that oughtta keep em away. :)

you should have known it was gonna hurt. you did say she looks like she likes it rough

Michigan_Girl 0

i would have beat her ass up, but op sounds like a bitch

Offer someone an apple and you're a bitch now? Ok.

I think she meant bitch as in a pussy because she/he/whoever didnt stick up for themselves, though she doesn't smoke and was nice enough to offer the rude woman something to eat, op sounds smart if you ask me.

sweetcheeksjvl 0

throw them back and make sure you know you can run fast.

rosha267 21

How are apples an alternative to cigarettes?

ha keepin ur health and I'm one I talk I smoke, but if somebody offered me an Appel instead I'd take it, it would keep my mind off the next cigarette for a while

hell yeah, you don't know what passes for a bong in the south.

Egnar 19

"Hey I don't smoke, but here have some apples?" - More than likely the thought of something like that, no matter how sincere you were, probably sounded condescending to her. . As if you were better than her and pitied her for smoking. Really should have just said no, sorry I don't smoke.

Thank you! That's exactly why u had apples thrown at you.

lol why would you offer her apples? you probably put razorblades in them didnt you?

dr3amcatchr 2

lololol. LYL I Love Your Life.