By fml - 25/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I was walking through town when I saw a plastic bag on the ground. Trying to be a good citizen, I picked it up, intending on throwing it in the trash. When I looked up, there wasn't a trash can for another hundred feet. So I put it back down. Now I've got a $200 fine to pay for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 002
You deserved it 61 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

earwig12 1

So walk the extra hundred feet. How is that a big deal?

a plastic bag doesn't weigh anything and it wouldn't have taken any extra effort to walk the 100 ft. your laziness disgusts me. you completely deserved it.


norisorroz 28

You've been a good citizen for approximately 3 seconds.

brevolorio 5

Why would u put it backdown in front of a cop

You couldn't have walked another 100 feet to throw it out.

jamesman5995 4

Honestly if it wasn't in the direction they were going in I can understand, most of you probably wouldn't have picked it up in the first place so I don't know why you're preaching about laziness

Oh, I can't walk the extra 100 ft I haven't practiced for a marathon yet.

Idiot. If you are going to do something then see it through. YDI.

Zen-THC 7

Your a ******* moron hope you enjoyed paying that ticket

Should have carried it to the bin...