By fml - 25/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I was walking through town when I saw a plastic bag on the ground. Trying to be a good citizen, I picked it up, intending on throwing it in the trash. When I looked up, there wasn't a trash can for another hundred feet. So I put it back down. Now I've got a $200 fine to pay for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 002
You deserved it 61 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

earwig12 1

So walk the extra hundred feet. How is that a big deal?

a plastic bag doesn't weigh anything and it wouldn't have taken any extra effort to walk the 100 ft. your laziness disgusts me. you completely deserved it.


Most of my friends live several miiles from here, when I arrive with a trash in my hand, they knew not only did I walk, but I couldn't find a place to throw it away; and you can't even walk as far as to find a trash can that will likely be a shorter distance? Not only do I find it lazy, but selfish of you to think you can be a good citizen with barely doing a damn thing.

Are you the same guy who posted the Arlo Guthrie thing?

First of all, you don't put a plastic bag in the garbage, you recycle it. Second, why didn't you get your lazy ass to walk another 100 feet? YDI for being stupid and lazy!

vampirerebel 0

YDI. 100 feet is nothing. Be green, recycle, and quit being a lazy ass

A hundred feet? Why not just carry it? Either way, this is fake. >.

sxychik 4

it's people like you that's making our world crap.. you should be ashamed of yourself for being so damn lazy.

really...?! you couldn't walk the few feet to toss it? aren't you a ******* genius.