By Icy - 27/12/2009 08:43 - United States

Today, I was walking to the bus stop. I saw a chunk of ice and attempted to kick it. Sadly it was frozen to the ground, so I fell, broke my toe, and missed the bus. Even the bus driver was laughing as he drove by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 666
You deserved it 29 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't kick so hard next time and WOW I never noticed how many cruel, vindictive, laughing bus drivers were out there until I started reading FML. I'm starting to think that most buses are driven around empty by maniacal bus drivers and that you need a miracle to actually get on one.

What did you learn...? At least you can use the ice on your injuries.


kacerulezd00d 0

Awh, I'm so sorry. I can feel for you because thats something I've done before but I broke a leg.

LMAO 11 yu LOSER. kick a rock next time.

YDI for lying cuz i highly doubt you had school on a sunday after christmas...

He did deserve it, but you're dumb/ignorant. Not all buses are school buses. There is such thing as public transportation that people rely on to get to work.

GetaLifePlease 0

way a mean bus drive I mean that is low

GetaLifePlease 0

I can't reply to comments but 2 speaks everything I was thinking and is hilarious in his efforts at the same time. Nice job 2.

ArcaneEchoXIII 11

My dad did the exact same thing when he was young. His friend just laughed and walked off. He had to walk the rest of the way to school on a broken foot only to get sent home.

Thats y i pull my foot back into my boot before i kick ANYTHING