By Icy - 27/12/2009 08:43 - United States

Today, I was walking to the bus stop. I saw a chunk of ice and attempted to kick it. Sadly it was frozen to the ground, so I fell, broke my toe, and missed the bus. Even the bus driver was laughing as he drove by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 666
You deserved it 29 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't kick so hard next time and WOW I never noticed how many cruel, vindictive, laughing bus drivers were out there until I started reading FML. I'm starting to think that most buses are driven around empty by maniacal bus drivers and that you need a miracle to actually get on one.

What did you learn...? At least you can use the ice on your injuries.


I don't understand why people are always tempted to kick at an inanimate object when it's in their path? Furthermore, kick at it hard enough to break your toe?