By smokecloud_ - 30/12/2013 21:38 - United States - Ashland

Today, I was watching ESPN. My boyfriend came in, bitched about "boring tv," so I handed him the remote. He put on a Lifetime movie. I must be the only woman in America with this problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 288
You deserved it 5 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See you had me until you mentioned the ******* patriots...


I don't have a boyfriend, so Blackhawks games for me. :)

olpally 32

Red wings aren't in our division anymore! GO BLACKHAWKS! Boom! :D

cryssycakesx3 22

they are in mine though. assholes.

Where do women like you hide?! I always get yelled at for my sports center addiction, seems impossible to find a woman that enjoys the world of sports as much as I do. Soccer is the only sport I can't watch, too many players trying to get nominated for Emmys with their "injuries."

I first got into watching sports because my BF and I would bet. But not for money-- we'd bet whomever's team lost (I always had first pick) had to wash the dishes. It made the games so much more fun for me and victory was sweet! I later studied which teams I should chose. (:

DDiddy 12

We hide at the arenas, fields, gym, etc!

cryssycakesx3 22

my boyfriend got me into indycar. I like I more than him now :)

Zaketh2112 10

Sorry to hear that. My wife enjoys sports as much as I do, especially football. Living in Texas, she pretty much grew up on it. I got her hooked on hockey this past season, though. Now she can't get enough.

andro6657 10
Swift4Life 13

ESPN sucks. TSN is where it's at.

Only if it's TSN-Jets... And yeah, I know they suck.

Anything with Frankenst... I mean Schultzie on it is worth watching.

ESPN is stateside, TSN is Canadian. They're basically one in the same. Sportscenter and Sportscentre. And why do you think TSN airs shows like E:60?

gazettefan42 8

This happens to my mom all the time lol

oneofthosegirls_fml 11
perdix 29

Well, since you consider this a "problem," I think you need to move on. You should have no trouble trading up -- lots of guys would kill for a girl who's into sports. I'd shout out to my favorite team, but at this point, all of my teams suck. (Not just mediocre, but cellar-dweller, consider-disbanding-the-team-and-demolishing-the-stadium suck!)

perdix 29

#26, no, Redskins and Texans, both of whom sucked harder than the Browns this year. The Rice Owls are my only hope of any team sports joy in the foreseeable future. Ironic, since when I went there, they were the perennial losers and the Skins were at the top of their game.

perdix 29

#37, the Astros and the Marlins were far worse than the Mariners, and the Milwaukee Brewers were only three games better than the Mariners, so I feel your pain. Even with multiple options in the major sports, I seem to be stuck with the losers at the moment.

cryssycakesx3 22

Lol. who gets beat by the Steelers. woo Pittsburgh. all our black and gold shit was discounted a few weekends ago.

no my dad watches lifetime a lot it's kinda werid