By smokecloud_ - 30/12/2013 21:38 - United States - Ashland

Today, I was watching ESPN. My boyfriend came in, bitched about "boring tv," so I handed him the remote. He put on a Lifetime movie. I must be the only woman in America with this problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 288
You deserved it 5 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See you had me until you mentioned the ******* patriots...


He may just be gay no offense just warning you so your relationship doesn't go to hell

rawlings123 17

Just because he's not crazy about sports doesn't mean he's gay. Lately ive been watching less and less sportscenter because it gets repetitive.

We men like FOOTBALL here in 'Murica! But seriously, share TV time. Compromise is good.:)

47, she clearly stated she handed him the remote. Which means she pretty much gave him her permission to change the channel

my favorite movie genre are thrillers and horrors, my bf like cartoons and stand up comedy, so I know how you feel! (my bf hates sports - lucky for me :D)

InsaneBolt 7

Being a man I do not understand how other men like sports (do you really like watching other sweaty men, not me!!)