By smokecloud_ - 30/12/2013 21:38 - United States - Ashland

Today, I was watching ESPN. My boyfriend came in, bitched about "boring tv," so I handed him the remote. He put on a Lifetime movie. I must be the only woman in America with this problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 288
You deserved it 5 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See you had me until you mentioned the ******* patriots...


Being a man I do not understand how other men like sports (do you really like watching other sweaty men?? Not me.) I would prefer to watch comedies, documentaries, Star Wars, Star Trek, cartoons. Something entertaining. Sports is boring you are watching something where the announcers tell you what you just saw. (he just threw the ball, "seen it", these are his stats, oh someone else caught the ball "seen it:, there are his stats) Very boring and repetitive.

Good for you if you also like Lifetime.

If your hot, then we can meet up. I love a woman who loves sports.

your username should be: Meanwhile, in a parallel universe...

Steve95401 49

My wife would probably like to trade me for him.

Leave him for a real man. How old are you and what do you look like ;)

is he gay!?!?! what guy turns off any sports program and turns on lifetime?