By whoahshloann - 30/05/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, I was watching Harry Potter. When all the students at Hogwarts started to clap at one point, I started clapping myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 872
You deserved it 54 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, I've done this too... Harry Potter is great. :)

OP: Google 'mirror neurons' - it's natural to mimic what you see, like wincing when someone gets punched in the balls or smiling when others are smiling. S'called being human. :) At least your brain's intact?


xD I have done that before. Also, I've cheered when they cheered.

paintedbythesky 0

I SOO worry about doing that in just about every movie it happens...

ewdude1 0

whats really funny is that a harry potter free rpg game ad was displaying to thr right of this story while i was reading it

haha, sometimes i want to do that while watching things too.

hpotslover55 0

Harry Potter is like what gets me through the day:) favorite thing in the idk why this is an fml if other people are like that..

ILoveJace01 0

I, personally, think the Harry Potter movies are awesome, especially the third one. It's okay. No big deal.

Lmao. I always feel so lame when those feel good moments come on and in my head I'm all, "Oh, that's so cool, I wish I was there."

either you're a geek or you were really into the movie

lol theres a perfectly normal psycological explination for this just like in highschool when the bell rings, everyone without fail will attempt to get out of their seat.