By whoahshloann - 30/05/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, I was watching Harry Potter. When all the students at Hogwarts started to clap at one point, I started clapping myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 872
You deserved it 54 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, I've done this too... Harry Potter is great. :)

OP: Google 'mirror neurons' - it's natural to mimic what you see, like wincing when someone gets punched in the balls or smiling when others are smiling. S'called being human. :) At least your brain's intact?


hopelessybroken 0

Something i would do and actually have done before when it comes to harry potter. haha.

i've totally done this before. hahaha. i love harry potter.

Quinnjamin 0

Lol there's an ad for a harry potter game thing on my screen right now...

dancercuity922 0

who gives a crap? this is NOT an FML.

Coban3 0

im watching harry potter..right at this moment

Mollipop93 0

Lol. I do the same thing with movies and i dont even realize it. :D

mcsnelly 5

thats not really that bad....sometimes when i'm really into a movie/show and people start clapping, i kind of get the urge to applaud with them lol....i don't know if i've ever actually done it, but i've been i'd start to bring my hands up and then scratch my head or something lol

it's nice to know that i'm not the only one who does this! i used to do this in every applauding scene in any movie until i accidentally did it during a harry potter movie too, but in the theater which was really embarrassing - i haven't done it since.