By whoahshloann - 30/05/2009 23:48 - United States

Today, I was watching Harry Potter. When all the students at Hogwarts started to clap at one point, I started clapping myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 872
You deserved it 54 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, I've done this too... Harry Potter is great. :)

OP: Google 'mirror neurons' - it's natural to mimic what you see, like wincing when someone gets punched in the balls or smiling when others are smiling. S'called being human. :) At least your brain's intact?


Lol, I've done that before to a different movie... At school.

that just means it's time to watch a new movie.

seven_to_twelve 3

There's nothing wrong with that. Seriously, I do that all the time.

Harry Potter movies suck so much The books are awesome though

krisFrAnHeehar 0

why not? Harry Potter books/movies were awesome, I wouldn't mind going to Hogwarts :D

Jimbo2000 0

Crap like this, gets onto FML. But when others have actual FML's, they don't get posted. Oh wow, I clapped at a movie - big whoopee doo. I agree with #16

Dude! I think you're awesome for doing that! I always clap, cry, smile, and cheer during those movies! Harry Potter is awesome!! Can't wait for HBP ;)

HorrorByrd 0

hahaha, it happens to everyone at some point.

Manda777 0

haha this actually made me lol... hmmm i bet i would do that too, but i rly dont like harry potter movies, only the books