By Somethingswrongwiththispic - 05/08/2010 08:17 - United States

Today, I was watching this show about fat people. I was wondering how people could let this happen to themselves. Then I looked down and saw a giant bowl of popcorn, ice cream, potato chips, and soda. I thus figured out how people do this to themselves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 200
You deserved it 46 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Averizzle 0

9 he should be handcuffed to a treadmill while a doughnut tied to a string is in front of him


moon21_fml 0

You're watching your future unfold before you... literally on the tv!

OP, people don't just get fat from eating fattening foods. Yeah, that's probably the most common reason, but it's not the only one. A lot of people are obese because of medical conditions, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome, where the part of the brain that controls hunger doesn't work, so people with that condition constantly crave and eat food because they never feel full. Some of the people on that show you were watching may have a condition like that. Don't be so quick to judge.

I get that medical problems can cause/complicate obesity, yet even with the example you gave, self-discipline and understanding that your body is "lying" to you is imperative. I'm not just saying, "Suck it up, fatty"; I have a lot of compassion for those people. But you can't excuse your unhealthy choices when your life, and quality of life, is on the line. I can empathize with the people you're talking about, though I have the opposite issues with my weight. I have a very fast metabolism, and I feel physically sick if I force myself to eat when I'm not hungry— both are genetic. I've also got a chronic pain condition; the pain and neuro meds kill my appetite. At one point I dropped to a dangerously low weight. My choices were to force myself to eat, drink meal replacement supplements, or get very sick. I "sucked it up" and drank the nasty Ensure till I reached a healthy weight, then disciplined myself to eat properly to maintain it. I also force myself to exercise with walks, though it can make my pain flare up, because it helps my appetite and keeps me strong enough to fight. No one can convince me that I have it easier than people with obesity issues; I know better than that. They're both very serious problems and should be treated as such. TL;DR: Having physical conditions that affect your weight is NOT easy, but they only mean you have to take extra care with your body. In the end, only YOU are responsible for getting and staying as healthy as possible (Note: I didn't say thin, but healthy), no matter what your body does that's outside of your control.

My comment got cut off. Some of the people on that show you were watching may have a condition like that. Don't be so quick to judge.

and you're not a complete fat ass? wow you're lucky you've got a fast metabolism like me =)

fyourlife1990 0

get your fat azz up and quit doing what you do..your addiction makes me sick 

wait were they all in the same bowl?? O.o

Why do you need popcorn AND potato chips?