By Alice - 01/08/2009 08:15 - United States

Today, I was wearing a skirt, and running towards a closing elevator, making it just in time. As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor. There were 6 other people in the elevator. I picked it up before I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I held it. For 18 floors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 495
You deserved it 10 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... What the ****? How would that even happen? Are you just wearing really tiny underwear?

fo real, im not a girl, but I think u were doing something wrong!


ecinaj 0

You shouldn't wear skirts when you're on your period. The fish odor is more noticeable. :[

ouchhhh. lmfao. if that happened to me, I would die. >.<

I don't even wear the pads with wings and my pads never fall off Also, you people who say "YDI for wearing a pad instead of a tampon!!" Please stfu!! People have their own preferences and to some people tampons are not comfortable at all. So stop being so ignorant. The OP does not deserve this at all, though I kinda think this FML is fake, but thats an entirely different story

lolololcheese 0

If a tampon is inserted correctly YOU CAN'T FEEL IT.

This isn't exactly true. Bodies are different. Just because they work for you doesn't mean they work for everyone like that.

cxal_fml 0

actually whether or not you can feel it, depends on your body, the size of the tampon and what else you have inserted in their (ie nonvirgins or people who ********** by sticking objects up there can handle larger size tampons than virgins). Think of the supersized tampons available in the early 90s - if you can't feel those when they are in you, you must be having a lot of sex

Not feeling it while it's in =/= not feeling it come out. Talk about getting ripped a new one...

GDinNJ 0

Seriously, the number of people that assume a woman should be blamed because she prefers pads to tampons is absolutely ridiculous. Not everyone finds it easy to use them (AKA insert them) and although they may not even seem to be there once they are...successfully being used, doesn't mean everyone (women, obviously) is willing/able to make it through the original discomfort simply because of how much easier tampons are. This is like yelling at someone for getting the flu because they didn't get the flu shot because they have an irrational fear of needles. I mean, I get that if they overcame their fear (or...discomfort, in this particular case) the problem would never arise, but everyone has their issues. If she deserves it, it's not because she chose a pad, it's because she wore the wrong underwear OR wore a skirt when this was possible. But even then, I don't think I could ever tell someone they deserve this much embarrassment. OP: ****. Your. Life.

Sonfang 19

OMG! YDI for many many reasons! I am a woman and THIS NEVER EVER HAPPENS, and i have a tendency to walk around the house in a LARGE shirt when I am on my period, and IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED. (as well as doing martial arts) 1. If you on your period you should have on the right underwear! 2. just about ALL pads have wings, and if not THEY HAVE STICKY ADHESIVE so they don't fall out! 3.You REALLY deserve it, BECAUSE YOURE A LIAR, or just that dumb!!!

jasmine1259 2

the only dumb one is you. you don't even know what you're talking about, you sound like a little 11 year old who thinks she knows everything because she got her period for the first time yesterday.

that comment doesn't even make sense. are you one of those people who constantly has to make dumb, snide remarks at people to feel clever? cause fyi, not too clever.

Dickninja 0
dinosaurzombie 14

lmfao omg, if this is real, like wow, lmfao i would have died. i always wear pants when im on it. dark pants preferrably, you know, just in case :P

That sucks, but honestly next time you really should try tampons.

omg, lmfao i thought i was the only one who though it smelt like fish, LMFAO.

efmivida 0

i can def understand how this happened, sometimes they just dont hold wings or not and when youre running and its been on for a while you cant help it. and hey, maybe she was out of tampons that dy and had to, its not her fault... that sucks big time... ifeel embarassed for you :/