By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I got a parking ticket. I put the ticket in my bag and accidentally left the bag in my friends car. When I returned, the car window was smashed, my bag was gone. I had to call the police department and ask them to send me a new ticket, on top of the $1000 or so I'd already lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 038
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of idiot leaves a bag with/worth 1000 dollars in a car??? YDI

that sucks. should leave your stuff in the trunk next time. happened to a friend's sister too


that sucks. should leave your stuff in the trunk next time. happened to a friend's sister too

scaramouche_fml 0

Don't leave your bag in the car!!! Lesson learned!

YDI because you kept $1000 in your bag, i don't know ANYONE who has done that

The bag itself was probably worth $1000.

# 1 if you paid attention to what you were doing n not had your head up your arse would have gotten the parking citation nor left your bag visible to thugs # 2 why the hell would you carry that much cash grow up and get a bank account you deserved it

What kind of idiot leaves a bag with/worth 1000 dollars in a car??? YDI

plus a ticket. especially if you're under 21

You never leave valuables out in the open, hide it or something.

Capnstinkfoot 0
ohJeeznotme 7

This is what happens when you tempt thieves. If your bag was sitting in the car all exposed and such you deserve it to be stolen. This is why you put stuff in the trunk. And I agree with the other person who said get a bank account!

Next time, don't leave valuable items in your friends car, where everybody can see them. Didn't you know that thieves would be just waiting to steal your values, even if they were locked inside the car .

Honestly, that's what you get for leaving your purse in plain view.

FYL for losing all that money. You don't necessarily deserve it, but you should never leave a bag (purse) visible in a car.... or carry $1000 around.