By Tom - 15/06/2009 10:07 - Israel

Today, I was woken up by a funky smell. My dog had eaten a dead bird and thrown up all over my bed and floor. At 4 o'clock in the morning I had to clean up regurgitated bits of bird, feathers, blood and dog food. The smell still hasn't gone away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 461
You deserved it 3 593

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FBIWarning 0

I'd honestly just throw out the sheets and buy new ones, that's ******* nasty!

lifeislife_fml 0

Ugh, nasty. I can't even stand normal vomit.


Cdldriver 0

Thats why i do not let my dogs into my room.

scorpioserpent 1

nasty. i'm glad my dog would never do that.

littlemisslee 0

Ah, the joys of owning a dog! A pet is a prisoner, and you are it's slave.

jojothehobo 0

Shit. What kind of dog do you have? Sorry, dude.

lovely997 0

21- your crazy. End of story. It is not okay to "beat" any living animal, unless it is trying to attack, and so on. NOT to train them, there's other ways, like treats and commands. ******* lunatic. I hope your dogs **** you up. :)

Funny how it chose your bed to throw up in :P

lolzforfun228 3

21: you realize that you can actually get arrested for shit like that right? And that that's just not cool.