By jjjjjohn cena - 13/08/2015 01:44 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was woken up to the crushing of my balls after my 5-year-old son thought it would be the best way to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 774
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrThump 16

That's like don't bite the hand the feeds you........ Don't destroy the balls that created you.

I have a three year old little boy who either farts in my face or peels my eyelid open and pokes me in the eye. More often than not it's a poke in the eye. He thinks it's hilarious... It's a shitty way to wake up, but it is pretty ****** hilarious. Never a dull day with little kids around.


llamingo 8
nolan__101 15

Maybe you should ask him why he is hitting you? Kids can be difficult sometimes, But you should try to create a household that discourages hitting. IMO

Perfect, all he need was the cat by the tail and a jug of milk open with half of it on the floor cause "he wanted to do it". Enjoy it while it lasts bro they grow up fast

I hope you punished him adequately, i.e. Burning him

Cherish that child. It may be the last one you have... Sorry OP