By sonofmilf - 17/05/2009 05:46 - United States

Today, I was working at a grocery store when a couple of my co-workers called a code pink in aisle 22, which means there was an attractive woman in that aisle. After hearing about how hot she was, I went over to see her for myself. It was my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 955
You deserved it 6 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Compliment to your mama~Hopefully you got her genes.


harlehatschi 0

ydi for participating in creepy "code pinks" but kudos for already having seen the inside of that ******

I work in a hospital, where "code pink" means an abduction.

arthuritis 0

FYL for actually HAVING a "code pink".

ChefBoy6382 0

Yeah, your mom is hot so your life is ******. Come ON.

#1 ******* EXACTLY! The Inbetweeners FTW ;D And since your mom's hawt then the chances are you are hawt too, so don't complain :P

ohhhhshizzz 0

#22 & 23. Shut the hell up. OP: Rofl, you should go up and be like well I just got aisle 22's number and I'm in for EVERY holiday.

TheUnnamedOne 0
thelonelylurker 0

Congratz, your mom is a total babe.