By thishasbeenaverytellingnight - 08/10/2017 16:00

Today, I was working in bed when my boyfriend stumbled in, drunk as hell. He got on top of me saying he wanted sex. After a moment, he paused and said, “Sorry, I thought you were Stephen.” I’m a girl. Stephen is my father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 505
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax, OP! Stephen is a very common name, so you’re probably being cheated on with somebody else.

You can't really blame him. Stephen is one sexy DILF!


You can't really blame him. Stephen is one sexy DILF!

Relax, OP! Stephen is a very common name, so you’re probably being cheated on with somebody else.

exileonmainst 16

He could've been talking about Stephen Colbert, god knows that I have a man crush on him. Then again, your dad is pretty groovy too..

Lobby_Bee 17

He could be referring to Stephanie. Beware.

Damn, your father must be a King in bed!

Okay, this comment made me laugh really hard.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Omg call shameless that's an episode