By a-mishunderstanding - 08/08/2011 04:07

Today, I was working in costume at a recreation of a Confederation-era town. I had to convince a visitor that it's not, in fact, an Amish village, and we do actually leave after five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 090
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GET OFF THE INTERNET! oh... your not Amish... my bad.

Sounds like you did an awesome job then!


I don't see a country on the OP but Confederation doesn't necessarily refer to the US. Confederation of the British provinces into the Dominion of Canada was in 1867. We have these in Canada, could be referring to those.

Very true, but the chances are in favor of the US :)

"Confederation"??! You mean, Confederate, dumbass. Which has nothing to do with the Amish. FAIL.

^ to quote #14 " -Confederation era was a time period in the late 18th century (like the 1780's) when the US Government was led by The Articles of Confederation. " No need to be ass # 47.

I just realized how close convince and conceive are…

Confederate-era, I'm sure you meant to say.

That visitor could have been me.. FML

Lamborghiniii 2

yeah! no need to be an ass AGENT 47!

I love how op's name has something to do with the post :)