By cantstoplaughing - 06/10/2010 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working on my family genealogy. I found out that my best friend's great-grandfather murdered my great-grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 827
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you're not going to blame your best friend for it, darling. As shocking as the news is, it's in the past.

The question is : were they also best friends?


wow that's pretty crazy. it really is a small world... wouldn't dismiss the six degrees of separation theory either!!

RedPillSucks 31

So...? Unless you're the Hatfields and the McCoys, I don't see what the point is on dwelling on this. Just about any group of families who can trace their geneology back a ways in the same general location are going to run into stuff like this (your great -blah raped/murdered/stole from my great-blah). If you're really friends then go with that.

Screaming at your friend (while dressed as a Civil War general; Confederate, of course), "I will avenge you!" before you shoot a loaded cannon at him is A LOT more fun, IMO. This is especially true if this friend gives you crap at a public event such as a fundraiser, a concert, or a Swedish fish market demonstration.

20waffleater10 0

that is awesome, you should follow in his footsteps. please take nothing I say seriously unless the serious stuff I am saying is serious but you won't know the serious from the non serious. just trust me when I say somethin is serious or isn't and what I have said way up there ^ is not serious.

kportal69 5

look friendship does stay in the family. so now get revenge and murder your best friend!! :D

Maybe the next time you have a stupid story that doesn't affect your life in any way and is merely amusing/interesting you should post it on MLIA.

I swear OP, if you don't practice the "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..." quote, you're wasting the best comedy opportunity in history! Look on the bright side - your friend is descended from a murderer, you're just descended from some dude. It'd be a lot more awkward the other way around.

TahoeFMler 22

Oh my gosh! That would a funny ass way to tell the friend the story at least!

20waffleater10 0

better watch out your friend could be buffalo bill!

goodlike_fml 0

i found out that obama is from my family...and im french.