By cantstoplaughing - 06/10/2010 04:32 - United States

Today, I was working on my family genealogy. I found out that my best friend's great-grandfather murdered my great-grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 827
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you're not going to blame your best friend for it, darling. As shocking as the news is, it's in the past.

The question is : were they also best friends?


martron3000 5

Simple solution! Invent a time machine, go back into the past, and kill his great- grandfather before he has a chance to murder your great- grandfather.

mpoppe1018 2

hey simple solution #134, youre a ******* retard and should never speak again

hero3460 3

its intresting to know things . this is not an fml

I'd think that would be pretty damn cool. I would feel like I was ending a blood feud.=3

this would be better on the website my life is average. coz it isn't really an FML more an MLIA

wtfsnickers 1

wow u must live in a small town