By Anonymous - 29/03/2016 16:27 - United States - Bedford

Today, I was working out and doing box jumps. My friend thought it would be funny to kick the box aside as I tried to jump onto it. Now I have 2 broken teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 401
You deserved it 1 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It always seems that anytime someone thinks something stupid like this will be funny, the other one always gets hurt. Sorry op. Hope you're alright.

Just stick some chicklets in there. No one will know the difference


That not as bad when I tripped doing box jumps and the side of the box scraped my skins fm you could see the bone?

you should knock two of his teeth out and say now we're even

Your " friend" is asking for a kick in the teeth...

rldostie 19

Box jumps are brutal. Great exercise but I've slammed my skin before and my husband cut his skin to the bone once. We both have matching scars. I still box jump but I'm a little gun shy as compared to before. I don't know why your friend thought this was okay. It's seriously dangerous and not funny. I hope they seriously apologized and felt bad.

You could make your friend pay for your dental bills

I would demand he pay for the dentistry bill. Just because he was doing it jokingly doesn't mean he should be immune from responsibility

RedPillSucks 31

see how funny your friend thinks the dental bill is when you force them to pay, or bring them to small claims court.

OP could actually probably charge him with assault or some variation.

I hope your friend pays for the dentist that you'll need

Hope you broke two of his in response.

Your friend is an ass. I hope you made him pay for the damage!