By booste - 18/10/2009 04:06 - Canada

Today, I was written up because my manager heard me insulting a customer. How did I insult her? I called her grandma. Who did I say this to? My grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 771
You deserved it 2 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

The insult wasn't that she was old, it was that you outted her for being related to you.


I hate fmls where the issue could have been fixed by simple explations. usually means one of two things. it's fake, or ydi for not explaining. orrr it's fake. no boss is that retarded no matter what you like to say for attention.


LOL quite funny let your boss know

luvbird1 0

lol thats just sad... my boss knows my grandma so HA! maybe you should introduce them...

The OP has got no balls. When you are written up at work the first thing that happens is you are told the nature of thd complaint and then asked to give your response. This OP must have said nothing in response. If they had told them it was their grandma then the whole thing would have been dismissed. If the OP cannot handle a simple thing like this then God help them when real trouble comes knocking.

Wtf. Ask him wat he calls his grandma and you'll just use that instead.

Ugh, I hate it when people ask themselves questions and then give themselves the answer. And this is not FML, just an explanation from the OP would've worked.

Somewhat understandable. I'm sure the manager's grandmother feels insulted to be his/her grandmother too. :-p