By Anonymous - 25/03/2013 21:53 - Netherlands - Drachten

Today, I was yelled at by a customer because I wouldn't give her a new iPhone 5 for free to replace her broken Nokia, which she threw out the window in "blind rage". I felt awful having to thank her for calling. Sadly, this is a daily event. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 769
You deserved it 2 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm confused... Why would she need a new phone? Her Nokia should be fine...


I would love to hear her explanation on why should she get an iPhone 5 for her broken Nokia

HannahBee1017 9

She broke a nokia? Impossible.

She's lying obviously. Nokia's are indestructible.

MinnieBitch 5

How did her Nokia break??? That should still look brand new!! Did she break the window and everything in its path

i just wany to know how she managed to destroy a Nokia. They are, by definition, indestructible.

Wait. Nokias any break it's physically impossible

how did they break a Nokia this bitch must be the filing hulk

So wait... The NOKIA was broken? How is this possible

We aren't focusing on the important part. She broke a Nokia.