By sickdisney - 21/05/2012 18:42 - United States - Riverside

Today, I watched a movie with my little sister. I couldn't understand a word that was said during one scene, but I figured it was in some kind of made-up language. When I commented on it later, she called me a moron and said it was Spanish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 119
You deserved it 36 013

Same thing different taste


Why does everyone assume OP is supposed to know what Spanish sounds like? What if OP is an immigrant from somewhere where Spanish is never spoken? And I bet most of you think the languages in the Star Wars movies are all made up, which would make you just as ignorant.

Poppy8127 15

I'm pretty sure you'd have to be a complete dumb ass to assume it was a "made up" language.