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Movie going

By soembarassed - 18/03/2016 18:26 - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City

Today, a man kept talking and laughing like an idiot all through the movie I was watching. I thought he was high, so I called him a moron and told him to shut the hell up. It turned out he wasn't high. He was just "special". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 864
You deserved it 11 394

Same thing different taste

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The best thing to do when someone's being disruptive in a theater is to go find an employee. They're able to get people to quiet down or leave (if necessary) without bothering other theatergoers.


Steve97 32

I wouldn't Movies aren't cheap these days and "special" or not I'd be pissed if someone was being disruptive while I'm trying to watch a movie that I paid for and I would tell them to shut up or I'm getting an employee to take care of it.

You shouldn't be saying that to people. But at the same time how could you have known

You shouldn't be saying that to people? If there's someone who's being an ass at the movie theater, "special" or not, someone needs to say this.

That's a good way to discriminate. By calling a disabled person an "asshole." Yes, I agree that if he was disrupting the movie, someone should have stepped out with him, but there is no reason to call him an asshole for being who he is.

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He situation was that someone was being loud and ruining the movie. If someone is annoying, most people don't think "I should let them continue as this person may be special needs." I feel bad for the special needs person, but OP doesn't deserve to pay for a movie, only for it to be ruined by someone, special or not.

Much like it is with a child, it's ultimately the guardian's responsibility. I don't pay out the ass for a movie ticket to listen to unnecessary background noise.

KayleeFrye 39

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DeltaDragonxx 20

It's just fine that he only felt bad until after. You have to be a moron to be a jackass like that.

Most of the time a kind request is better than sounding like an ass yourself

The best thing to do when someone's being disruptive in a theater is to go find an employee. They're able to get people to quiet down or leave (if necessary) without bothering other theatergoers.

But then I'll miss part of the movie just finding that employee. I've had to tell people to "please hush" before and it worked.

I once told people to "shut the **** up" during Serenity. I guess they didn't realise that they were going to the special hell.

flyingflies 36

Yeah, if that person is being violent. But if someone is talking and laughing too loud, the situation can be solved by asking that person to quite down. Think about trying to stand up during a movie, gather your coat and bag, get to the end of the aisle (especially if you're in the middle of the row) by stepping on everyone's feet, then slowly find your way to the door in the dark and then go about trying to find an employe, only to eventually get back in to point to "that dude there that sometimes laughs really loud. He's quite now, but wait and you'll see". Too much trouble for nothing.

agree. once in a sold out cinema two young kids were being loud jerks. i shooshed them. nothing. i told them to shut up or i would get the manager. one left. so i got the manager. kid still swore his ass off the whole time really loudly, but was kicked out by the manager.

You could have just politely requested for him to be quiet. Nothing wrong with some manners and sensitivity.

There was probably a better way to handle that situation, but with the way he was acting there was no way to know and it was reasonable to assume they were just an idiot.

That sucks, I get that people want to included people with special needs in society as if they are normal, but when they have a problem like not being able to be quiet I just think they shouldn't be able to go to place like a movie theater or something like that, I'm not trying to be a dick, but if they can't control themselves they need someone to help them when they go to places like that or just not be able to go and ruin it for other people. I know a few people that I am close with that have special needs one way or another, I'm not just a complete dick being ableist

Exactly, if you can't deal with it in a public place, wait for it to come out and buy it, don't ruin others experience because you want to do something. They have a right to see the movie, but their caretaker should understand that others don't want to deal with distractions to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

oh shut up. Are people with any kind of small abnormality whatsoever just supposed to lock themselves up in their houses forever so as not to ruin your grumpy arses day? If you have a problem with people in public being human then YOU should wait for the film to come out. A lot less hassle that way for all of us and we dont need to deal with your nonsense attitude

Do your friends with special needs know you feel this way? It's like saying that you don't support gay rights but "I'm not homophobic, I have a gay friend"

I kind of agree depending on how much the behaviour disturbs other but I am not keen on the wording you used here. People with SN (Special Needs) are also normal and I don't agree with the 'as if they are normal' because with SN it is not about pretending they don't have speical needs, it is about supporting and managing these needs. If the noise of someone in the cinema is disrupting others then I think it is fair to try and calm them down or sometimes there are viewings for people with certain needs, so I think in this case it would have been best for the guardian to try and calm the person down and explain why they need to be quiet. But as #24 said, you can't lock people away in a room. It is a hard situation and I am not surprised OP reacted as they did, but segregating people with SN isn't the answer, giving them strategies or perhaps a regular viewing where you can speak and make noise, would be much better (I understand that is sort of segregation but it isn't excluding people with SN).

3yellowzebras 19

People with needs different to others are normal even if you have family members that have special needs, it's still a dickish thing to say that if they can't control themselves they shouldn't go to the cinema?!? You may as well say they should bring back institutions! ?

Often care takers take individuals with special needs to the afternoon shows so that there's less people in the theater. Just like with kids you generally shouldn't take them to the crowded showing if they can't sit through the movie quietly. No one is saying lock them up in a room somewhere, simply be aware of the situation. Movie tickets are expensive, most people don't want to spend a ton of money to see something in theater only to have to listen to others talk through it.

Normal refers to the average. Special needs people are abnormal in some senses, normal in others. Or perhaps a better word is below average in some places. It is not insulting, it is just the truth. I have a lovely girl at my work who is Aspie. Brilliant person, very good at school, athletic, and fashion. She sucks at social cues and does not know what is appropriate and what isn't. So she doesn't go to movies and we don't invite her to them. Sometimes you have to understand that certain places are not for you. And if you don't get that, then your guardian/family should tell you. It is not fair for someone to shout throughout the whole movie, even if they are special needs.

@ pokemyeyes - you must be one of those special needs people then./ one one of those assholes that has to make a comment on EVERYTHING in a movie

No in the movies there are rules aswell as a way that is set as far a tone goes. This being said if these rules cannot be achieved they should not be in that situation. Special or not, everyone treats them different from others when what would help them more is to be treated like everyone else.

#79 I don't understand, why can't you invite your Aspie friend to the movie theater? It's a little extra work but you help her stay quiet and let her know if she's doing something inappropriate and how to behave properly. I know from personal experience that it really hurts to feel left out all the time because you're different. Besides, how she supposed to learn if she's never given the opportunity? I have really poor social skills too but I still go to the movies with my family and if I'm too loud then they let me know to be quiet. If you really can't invite her to the theater then rent the movie and invite her to a group watching at yours or someone else's home.

If you're making a loud enough noise to disturb other people, you should have thought twice before going to see a film in the cinema.

DeltaDragonxx 20

ole, if this person had enough wrong with them to not understand that, they had a guardian. This guardian should've, and most likely did know, that they would cause a disturbance, and shouldn't of taken them.

I feel bad for guardians, because they want so much to give the person they are with normative experiences. But sometimes you have to accept that your ward is going to annoy the people around them. And it might end in them being called a moron or someone getting physical. Which is wrong, but people pay upwards of $10+ for the movie... and it's unfair to make others suffer so you can play house.